Who is on Your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team?

If the economy collapses or we get hit by a solar flare and the power grid goes down you might have to bug out or shelter in place.  The sheeple that never prepare for anything will turn into zombies very quickly looking for food and water.  If the zombie apocalypse happens in our lifetime I know you will be excited but….. do you know who you can count on to have your back and fight off the zombies while you try to rebuild society?

The Walking Dead Survival Team

Take a lesson from the hit TV show The Walking Dead.  You can’t fight zombies all by yourself so get a group of people you trust with different survival skills and start building your survival team.  If you are watching your perimeter on a security detail can you do it for 24 hours straight and hunt for food, and treat wounds, and maintain a fire?  NO WAY!  You need to have several people to help out in shifts and do a good job in all your areas of survival need.

Your team should include experts in the following areas immediately: medicine, weapons and security, farming, engineering, hunting, canning or preserving foods.  It’s cool if your team members have expertise in several different areas but you need to know who they are ahead of time.

Eventually you might take in weaklings that have no other skill than to be good zombie food.  Hey, everyone has a purpose in life they need to fulfill.  Just decide who you will invite to be part of your inner circle survival team and start developing communication and action plan ASAP!

To Your Surviving and Thriving,

MaryAnne Morcos, The Urban Survival Chick


The Urban Survival Chick

MaryAnne Morcos, has been dubbed by the media as “The Urban Survival Chick.” She is an NRA certified firearms instructor, physical therapist, and hypnotherapist. She leads powerful workshops and seminars that enable executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, and families to “Refuse To Be A Victim” and protect themselves and their assets when it matters the most. When you train with the Urban Survival Chick you will learn her 3 P’s of personal safety and survival: Prepare, Prevent, and Protect! Prepare your inner game and confidence to handle emergencies and threats to your safety. Prevent dangerous situations from happening to you and your family. Protect yourself and those you love when it matters the most. To read her full Bio CLICK on the ABOUT tab. To get more information about The Urban Survival Chick and how to train with her visit the following sites: Visit The Urban Survival Chick’s Blog: http://UrbanSurvivalChick.com Subscribe to the Urban Survival Chick’s Youtube Videos: http://youtube.com/urbansurvivalchick Find MaryAnne on Facebook: http://FacebookMary.com Follow MaryAnne on Twitter: http://TwitterMary.com Sign up for a Firearms Class: http://CodexDefensive.com