We Need Guns Because Running is NOT always an Option!
Why do we need guns anyway? I have spent thousands of hours at different shooting ranges and I have seen a lot of people that have no business holding or shooting a gun.
However, I still believe that gun ownership is a God given right. Our Founding Fathers knew that we have a fundamental duty to protect ourselves from any threat, foreign or domestic. A firearm is a tool that evens the playing field between a good upstanding responsible citizen, and a big ugly angry thug.
Let’s focus on a realistic threat that could happen in your community. After all, according to national crime statistics 1 in 3 people will be the victim of a violent crime. If you don’t train yourself to have a defensive mindset the odds are that you or someone you know will be a victim.
Take a look at the woman in this picture.
She has three young kids she is raising and molding into young independent thinking adults. As a mother her most important duty is protecting her children from the evils in this world and being a model of strength for her kids.
After a long day of running errands, working, and taking care of the kids she might be tired and maybe even a bit distracted. A criminal could see this as an opening to approach her at a vulnerable point. She has her hands full with kids, bags of groceries to unload from the car, and her children are asking her a thousand different questions.
If a bad guy were to walk up to her in the driveway at gunpoint, try to force her into the house with the kids, and do the unimaginable…..how does she fight back? Can she run? Not with three kids and not into her house where the criminal will most definitely follow her. Does she drop her kids leave them all alone and duke it out with the bad guy using her bare hands? That is not an option when Mr. Psychopath has a gun, is probably bigger and physically stronger than her, and is most likely high on some kind of drug.
She doesn’t have time to yell for help, call 911, and wait for police to arrive. Sometimes running is NOT an option and you have to face your attacker. In that instance the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Her kids give her 3 powerful reasons to own and carry a firearm. As a mother it is her duty to be vigilant about protect her children. She also has a duty to ferociously defend herself with greater force than an attacker so her kids still have “Mommy” in their lives.
I owe it to myself and family to do what it takes to stay alive because I know that running is not always an option. Keep that in mind as you make your decisions about purchasing a gun, and getting trained to protect your family when it matters the most.
To learn more about my seminars and workshops and train with me click here.
To Your Surviving and Thriving,
MaryAnne Morcos, The Urban Survival Chick