Upgrade Your Survival Supply with Natural Immune Boosters.
If all you have stored for food in your earthquake kits is beef jerky and a roll of life savers it is time for you to upgrade your supplies. You should definitely have some seasoning, herbs, and natural remedies in addition to canned goods, freeze dried food, water, etc.
I came across this graphic and wanted to share it with you. It lists the health benefits of lemon, ginger, and garlic. They call these ingredients “Nature’s Miracle Trio.” This power trio is super healthy and it will make your MRE’s taste better.
It is important to treat your body as a temple and feed yourself healthy foods and nutrients like lemon, ginger, and garlic. Healthier people can outrun zombies and outlast sheeple in a SHTF scenario.
To Your Surviving and Thriving,
MaryAnne Morcos, The Urban Survival Chick