Obama Gun Study Backfires and Proves Guns Save Lives!

Obama has hit another snag along the road to his gun control agenda.  A recent study by the CDC looking at the injury rate of people involved in violent crimes revealed that people were more likely to be injured if they used a self defense method other than a firearm.

Anthony Gucciardi of StoryLeak.com wrote a great article about this story.  This is a piece of Anthony’s analysis on the story:

In a recent study orchestrated by the CDC and carried out by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, it was found that individuals involved in violent crimes who defended themselves using techniques other than carrying a gun were more likely to be injured when compared to those who were carrying a concealed firearm.

All-in-all, the Obama ordered report ended up finding more pros than cons in regards to the right to an open or concealed weapon. The report also reminds us of the numerous causes of gun deaths, citing that most gun deaths are at the hands of those who used a gun for their suicide — not homicide. The report highlights the poor state of America’s suffering mental health. The report states that suicide by guns outweighs the amount of deaths caused by violent crimes by 61%.

Anthony went on to report these facts…….

The study also mentions mass shootings, and how these scenarios are the least common shootings of all. The study cites that since 1983, there have been approximately 547 victims and 476 injuries of mass shootings. To put that into perspective, thousands are killed each year from bats and human hands as Anthony Gucciardi has detailed in the mega article ‘A Brief And Bloody History of Gun Control‘.

Well POTUS has failed again!  Share this story with your anti gun friends if you still have any.  We must gently nudge them in the right direction.  The only way I can think of educating anti second amendment liberals is to shower them with pro gun facts and stories. 
To Your Surviving and Thriving,
MaryAnne Morcos, The Urban Survival Chick
The Urban Survival Chick

MaryAnne Morcos, has been dubbed by the media as “The Urban Survival Chick.” She is an NRA certified firearms instructor, physical therapist, and hypnotherapist. She leads powerful workshops and seminars that enable executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, and families to “Refuse To Be A Victim” and protect themselves and their assets when it matters the most. When you train with the Urban Survival Chick you will learn her 3 P’s of personal safety and survival: Prepare, Prevent, and Protect! Prepare your inner game and confidence to handle emergencies and threats to your safety. Prevent dangerous situations from happening to you and your family. Protect yourself and those you love when it matters the most. To read her full Bio CLICK on the ABOUT tab. To get more information about The Urban Survival Chick and how to train with her visit the following sites: Visit The Urban Survival Chick’s Blog: http://UrbanSurvivalChick.com Subscribe to the Urban Survival Chick’s Youtube Videos: http://youtube.com/urbansurvivalchick Find MaryAnne on Facebook: http://FacebookMary.com Follow MaryAnne on Twitter: http://TwitterMary.com Sign up for a Firearms Class: http://CodexDefensive.com