Hundreds Gather in Sacramento in support of the 2nd Amendment

“Guns Across America” was a nationwide effort to bring firearms enthusiasts all over the nation together to speak out in support of the 2nd amendment and protect our right to bear arms.  This event was scheduled as a peaceful protest to happen at state capitols in every state on January 19th, 2013 at high noon.

In California close to two thousand people came together to support this effort on the steps of the  state capitol in Sacramento.  They brought their families, their signs, and their enthusiasm for the pro gun community.  They represent the law abiding citizens who use firearms for self defense.

This is one the ways to fight back against unconstitutional gun control.  The theme of this demonstration?  Gun Control = More Crime!  We all understand that criminals will not obey any laws so voting in more gun control will only lead to hurting law abiding citizens an create more victims.

The next rally is scheduled for Friday February 8th, 2013 at 10:00am.

CLICK HERE to read about the rally on Facebook.

To Your Surviving and Thriving,

MaryAnne Morcos, The Urban Survival Chick


The Urban Survival Chick

MaryAnne Morcos, has been dubbed by the media as “The Urban Survival Chick.” She is an NRA certified firearms instructor, physical therapist, and hypnotherapist. She leads powerful workshops and seminars that enable executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, and families to “Refuse To Be A Victim” and protect themselves and their assets when it matters the most. When you train with the Urban Survival Chick you will learn her 3 P’s of personal safety and survival: Prepare, Prevent, and Protect! Prepare your inner game and confidence to handle emergencies and threats to your safety. Prevent dangerous situations from happening to you and your family. Protect yourself and those you love when it matters the most. To read her full Bio CLICK on the ABOUT tab. To get more information about The Urban Survival Chick and how to train with her visit the following sites: Visit The Urban Survival Chick’s Blog: Subscribe to the Urban Survival Chick’s Youtube Videos: Find MaryAnne on Facebook: Follow MaryAnne on Twitter: Sign up for a Firearms Class: