Dubbed by the media as “The Urban Survival Chick”, Mary Anne Morcos is an NRA certified firearms instructor, physical therapist, and hypnotherapist. She leads powerful workshops and seminars that enable executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, and families to “Refuse To Be A Victim” and protect themselves and their assets when it matters the most. Her students become empowered with the knowledge and confidence to survive and thrive under any circumstances. In addition to violent crime defensive tactics, MaryAnne also teaches you how to be above average as you prepare for economic uncertainty and other natural disasters. When she is not leading seminars MaryAnne provides physical therapy for children with special needs and helps their development and assimilation into society. She volunteers heavily for organizations like The Wounded Warrior Project, The American Red Cross, and The Shriner’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Her other favorite activities include training in Krav Maga, the Israeli Defense Forces fighting system, chatting with her friends on the amateur radio frequencies, and spending time at the gun range shooting at zombie targets.
When you train with the Urban Survival Chick you will learn her 3 P’s of personal safety and survival:
Prepare, Prevent, and Protect!
Prepare your inner game and confidence to handle emergencies and threats to your safety.
Prevent dangerous situations from happening to you and your family.
Protect yourself and those you love when it matters the most.
To get more information about The Urban Survival Chick and how to train with her visit the following sites:
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