Sept. 2013 – 4 Day Defensive Handgun Class is SOLD OUT!

Attention brothers and sisters, and friends of The Urban Survival Chick.  My next 4 Day Defensive Handgun Class taking place September 20-23, 2013 is officially SOLD OUT.  A group of students and I will be in the Nevada desert for 4 days of intensive instruction with our handguns.  If you missed out this time but you still desire to have the ability to take care of your family….do what you can to be at the next event .

Codex Defensive Before & After Wide 1280 x 720

Even if you are looking to start with a 3 Hour Introductory Firearms Training class check the calendar for the next dates.  My goal is to train as many people as possible to understand and respect firearms, and to use them properly.  If you have a group, family, or business team you would like to bring for a select date not on the calendar send me a private message to

The link to sign up for my firearms training is here:

To Your Surviving and Thriving,

MaryAnne Morcos, The Urban Survival Chick

The Urban Survival Chick

MaryAnne Morcos, has been dubbed by the media as “The Urban Survival Chick.” She is an NRA certified firearms instructor, physical therapist, and hypnotherapist. She leads powerful workshops and seminars that enable executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, and families to “Refuse To Be A Victim” and protect themselves and their assets when it matters the most. When you train with the Urban Survival Chick you will learn her 3 P’s of personal safety and survival: Prepare, Prevent, and Protect! Prepare your inner game and confidence to handle emergencies and threats to your safety. Prevent dangerous situations from happening to you and your family. Protect yourself and those you love when it matters the most. To read her full Bio CLICK on the ABOUT tab. To get more information about The Urban Survival Chick and how to train with her visit the following sites: Visit The Urban Survival Chick’s Blog: Subscribe to the Urban Survival Chick’s Youtube Videos: Find MaryAnne on Facebook: Follow MaryAnne on Twitter: Sign up for a Firearms Class: